Saturday, May 23, 2009


Had one of the most focused workouts today. Lately every time I actually do workout its been just going trough the motions, filled with guilt and anger that I've slacked and gained so much weight while losing so much strength. So today was definitely a breakthrough. Have to feed off of that and keep it going :)

Bench Press: 45/16, 55/14, 85/5,5,5
Flat Flys: 15/14, 17/12, 20/10, 24/10
Lateral Raise: 8/12, 12, 10/10,10
alt DB front raise: 10/12, 15/10, 10
Triceps pushdown: 20/16, 30/12, 35/10
One arm ext: 8/12, 10/10, 15/5

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