Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday, 4/30/08

Intervals with my new gizmo: 24 minutes, 12 intervals 15/45, 143 cals burned
Flat bar Press: 65/12, 75/12, 85/8, 100/6, 105/6, 6
Incline DB Press Palms in: 28/10, 37/8, 8, 8
Uneven pushups: 10, 10, 10
DB ext: 24/12, 10, 28/8, 10 <---these were werid, last time I could barely get good reps and today it seemed almost easy. Wasn't sure where to go with the weight.
Tricep pressdown palms up: 30/10, 35/10, 10

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday, 4/29/08

cardio only to workout at the school gym today, so I used the elliptical and treadmill and mixed it up.
Here is what I found, I want a commercial grade elliptical!! The one I used today made mine seem like the crappiest crap in craptown (a favorite saying my hubby and 4 year old like to use). I HATE running inside. I will only run outside from now on! Yuck! However, walking at a 12.0 incline was fun :)
40 min total, 253 cals burned.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday 4/28/08

Elliptical-24 minutes, 12 intervals 15/45 181 cals burned
Leg extentions: 50/12, 12, 75/8, 100/6, 6, 6
Front Squat: 75/10, 105/8, 8
DB Squat: 45/12, 47/10, 10
Bar step lunge: 60/10, 10
standing DB calf raise: 45/12, 47/10, 53/8, 8
wow, thought I was going to fall over after this workout!! Can't believe I got 105 on the front squats-all the way down to the crate too!
My machinist hubby made me these cool plates for my powerblocks, but made them 6 pounds each! He is going to make me 1 and 2 pound plates next. So anyway, used 1- 6 pounder on one DB to get 53 for my calf raises :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday 4/27/08

7:30 AM
Jogging in the rain :) Felt great though!
35 min, 243 cals burned
5:00PM Delts/Bi's
Upright row: 40/12, 12, 45/8, 55/6, 6, 6
Stand DB Press: 28/10, 33/8, 8, 8
front DB raise: 17/10, 10, 10
1 arm cable curl (still suck at these) 5/12, 10/9, 8, 8
Preacher curl: 40/10, 50/8,6 using my ez curl bar, but don't have the plates to make 45#, 50 was too hard.

Weekly Summary 4/20-4/26

Another really awesome week for motivation and effort.
Happy with the scale, not happy with the pics, so/so with the measurements LOL.
Weight 131.6
Chest: 34.5
waist: 27
hips: 35.75
arm: 11
thigh: 19.5
calf: 14.5
not posting my pics, the only change from last week is that my butt looks HUGE!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday 4/26/08

ahhh slept in until 8:30!!! That is almost afternoon for me!!
6:00pm-Back and hams
Lat pulldown: 50/12, 60/12, 70/8, 80/ 6,6,6
seated row: 70/10, 90/8, 8, 8
Rope pulldown: 50/10, 10, 10
SLDL: 95/12, 115/10, 135/8, 8
Leg curl: 45/10, 10, 10

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday 4/25/08

No 4AM cardio for me today! Slept in till 5 :)
5:00pm-cardio and abs
Still waited until this afternoon to get it done. Wasn't going to do it at all because I wanted to run this week and I didn't want to do 7 days of cardio, but I had to do intervals. So I challenged myself. There is a street that is a pretty decent size hill in my neighborhood, so I walked to it (5 min) sprinted up the street, jogged around the block and repeated 4 times. Realized the jog around the block was too much so the 5th time I sprinted up I just turned around and walked down. Wanted to go 12 times like my intervals but there was NO WAY! I was done after 6!! Jogged/walked back home.
29 min total...207 cals burned. So I have a new challenge: build up the number of sprints I can do!!

And tomorrow no cardio :) YAY!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday 4/24/08

4Am Cardio
Step aerobics...38 min 187 cals burned. About 10 minutes into it I realized that I wanted to run on Saturday which means that I will be doing cardio 7 times this that bad? I have never been a "cardio queen" but for some reason I am enjoying it lately. Anyway, after I had that thought I kinda took it easy. Its funny, I am in such a routine that when the alarm clock goes off I'm just on auto-pilot and doing cardio before I even wake up!

4PM chest and tris
Flat bench: 65/12, 75/12, 85/8, 100/6, 6, 6
Incline DB palms in: 26/10, 35/8, 8, 8
uneven pushups: 10, 10, 10
DB extention: 24/10, 10, 28/8, 8
tri pressdown palms up: 30/10, 10, 10

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, 4/23/08

4Am - cardio and abs
Elliptical 24 minutes, 12 intervals 15/45 181 cals burned.
kneeling cable crunch: 30/10, 40/8, 8, 8
reverse ball crunch: 15, 12, 10, 10
4:00PM- Quads and calves
Leg extention: 40/12, 50/12, 75/8, 95/6, 6, 6
Front squat: 75/10, 100/8, 8 <---starting to really like these!
DB Squat: 42/12, 45/10, 10,
Bar step lunge: 40/10, 10
seated calf raise: 35/12, 70/10, 95/8, 8 Just sat on the bench and put my feet up on my short step and threw plates on my legs... didn't feel like much though. Is it worth doing these? When I used to do calf raises at the gym I would use a lot heavier weight, but I can't put that many plates on my lap! Might have to just switch to standing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday, 4/22/08

4AM-cardio only today
Step aerobics-41 min 235 cals burned.
Love my Gin Miller step videos, and this one is really good and tough, but cracks me up so much. So early 90's it's hysterical she does a move with "vogue arms" LOL

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, 4/21/08

4:15 Am Cardio
Elliptical-24 min 12 intervals, 15/45 176 cals burned.

Upright rows: 30/12, 40/12, 45/8, 50/6, 55/6, 6
Standing DB Press: 28/10, 33/8, 8, 8
Front raise DB: 15/10, 10, 10
1 arm cable curl: 5/12, 7.5/10, 10/8, 8
preacher curl: 20/10, 40/10, 10

The DB presses were tough, I barely got the last rep on the third set. The front raises I did alternating (super strict form though) is that ok?

OMG the cable curls were so HARD! I am glad I started with my right arm because it is a lot weaker than my left. If I would have started with the left I would have tried to use heavier weight and wouldn't have been able to do it with my right. Also is it ok to load a pulley machine unevenly? I put a 5 pound plate on one side and a 2.5 on the other.

Then when I went to do the preacher curls I used the ez curl bar and 20# was ridiculously light.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday, 4/20/08

AM cardio-
Even though it wasn't as nice out as yesterday, I went for a beautiful run this morning. It felt so good! 44 min, 326 cals burned.

Lat pulldown: 40/12, 50/12, 60/8, 75/6, 6, 80/6
Seated row: 50/10, 70/8, 80/8, 8
Rope pulldown: 40/10, 50/10, 10
SLDL: 95/12, 105/10, 110/8, 8
Leg curl: 40/10, 10, 10

Weekly Summary 4/13-4/19

Well, no Bam! this week...
weight: 133.4 still down, but not 132 :(
chest: 34.75
arm: 10.5
thigh: 20
calf: 14.75
was a little bummed about the weight since I was once again a true 100% this week. I haven't compared the measurements to last week yet either, but I think they are similar. However I'm feeling better about the pics!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday, 4/19/08

Elliptical -24 minutes 12 intervals, 15/45...185 cals
Flat BB press: 65/12, 75/12, 85/8, 95/6, 100/6, 6
Incline DB Palms in: 24/10, 33/8, 35/8, 8
uneven pushups: 10, 10, 10
DB extensions: 28/10, 10, 33/8, 8
Tri pressdown palms up: 25/10, 10, 10
Felt strong today! I was so excited to get the 100# on the press. My hubby was out in the garage with me and it helped having him encourage me while I did it.
I liked the uneven pushups, never did that before, my right side is a lot stronger than my left though. I have to remember to start with my left side next time.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, 4/18/08

Cardio only today...Tuesdays and Fridays are really hectic for me so it is nice to be able to schedule my training around them!
Step aerobics-37 min, 201 cals burned.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday, 4/17/08

Cardio-Elliptical 24 min, 12 intervals 15/45...195 cals burned.
Leg extentions: 35/12, 40/12, 75/8, 90/6, 6, 6
Front Squat: 55/10, 70/8, 95/8
DB Squat: 42/12, 45/10, 10
Bar Step lunge: 30/10, 10

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, 4/16/08

Since I stayed up until midnight working on my math project there was no way I was getting up for 4AM cardio! Got it in later after my weight workout though!
DB press: 17/12, 20/12, 28/8, 36/6, 6, 6
Shrug: 95/10, 115/8, 8, 8
Side lateral: 17/10, 10, 20/10
BB curl: 45/12, 50/10, 55/8, 8
seated DB curls: 20/10, 24/8,8
Afterwards went down to the waterfront with the family and jogged along the bay! Wow how nice!!!!
30 minutes, 260 cals burned. Going to try and do that more often, it is beautiful down there!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday, 4/15/08

Boring cardio only today...slept in and did it after school today so that was nice.
Elliptical-30 minutes steady, 195 cals burned. Might do more later, working on a 52 page math paper that is due tomorrow and I am stressed...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday, 4/14/08

4AM Cardio
Elliptical 24 min, 12 intervals 15/45...186 cals burned Oh and according to my heart rate monitor my BMI is finally "normal" again!!
Back and hams
bent over row: 65/12, 75/12, 95/8, 110/6, 6, 6
Lat pulldown wide/over: 55/10, 75/8, 8, 8
1 arm row: 28/10, 10, 10
Leg curl: 30/12, 40/10, 50/8, 8
Stiff leg db: 47/10, 10, 10
Great workout today. Don't usually feel a pump in my back unless I am lean enough to do unassisted pull ups, but really felt it today. Maxed out my power blocks with the stiff leg dl's so I started thinking of some ideas to increase the weight without spending the hundreds of dollars on the add-on set. One idea is weighted magnets? Kinda like the platemates, but I'm going to see if I can make them myself even cheaper. Or maybe just getting some chain from Home Depot, weighing it out and wrapping it around? It doesn't have to be pretty, I workout in my garage with the dirt, spiders and my husbands beer-chick posters. (insert rolling eyed smiley here.)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, 4/13/08

Not too happy with todays workout because I felt weaker, meaning the weight I used last week seemed heavier.
Time: 7:30
Incline DB press: 28/12, 37/12, 42/8, 44/6, 6, 6
Mid Bar Press: 85/10, 95/8, 8, 8
Dips: 4, 5, 6
sort of made improvement here, but still can't do them without my feet up. I was able to find a position where my feet are up on a bench and back so that really all I'm doing is helping with my tilt. Was able to feel the push in my chest at least. Liked this and it felt effective for once.
Rope pressdown: 35/10, 10, 40/8, 8
Bar extention: 45/10, 10, 10

Weekly Summary 4/6-4/12

So, I've been struggling with the stupid scale for a while now. Even though I have been working really hard it just wouldn't budge lower than 136. So after last weekend when I got jazzed up at the show, I took everything up a notch. Trained harder, didn't eat over on ounce of what I measured...(I have my whole diet planned out on fitday down to the ounce and sometimes if I would go over an ounce or so I would let it slide but not this week) Anyway, I also wrote down on my log "I WILL be under 135 this week" Forget under 136 I'm shooting high. Anyway get on the scale this morning and BAM 134!!! Yay!
Measurements are pretty good too:
chest: 35.5, down 1/2 inch
arm 11.25 up 1/4
waist: 27, down 1 inch!
chest 36, down 3/4
leg: 19.75 up 1/4
calf 14.75, up 1/4

pics next week, hubby gets annoyed taking them every week LOL

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday, 4/12/08

Another intense awesome workout! I dropped the weight on the bb hack squats because I think my form was really bad. Did them sooooo much better today!

Squat: 95/12, 115/12, 130/8, 140/6, 145/6, 6
Leg extention: 50/12, 85/8, 90/8
Hack squat: 30/12, 40/10, 10
Step Ups: 33/10, 10

Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday, 4/11/08

So today was cardio only-intervals.
Time: 4AM
Elliptical-24 min, 12 intervals 15/45 189 cals.
Feel so good. I am really in a zone now determined to reach my goal. I've always been into those "transformation contests" you know, from fatty to fit person (unfortunetly I've had to transform like 3 times! LOL) Anyway, I was thinking about it and I am actually in another transformation contest with myself. I really want to look dramatically different than I did last August. Is that possible? It's hard for me to really believe right now but if you tell me it is possible I will believe it.
I really like the Recreate so far. Only taking one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I like the feel of the energy and alterness with no jitteriness.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday, 4/10/08

So I seem to have this new energy and focus with my workouts and I LOVE it! I think I had a PR with my BB curls!!!! I'll have to look back on my old logs...
Time: 4AM
step aerobics: 41 min, 237 cals burned
time: 4PM
DB Press: 17/12, 20/12, 28/8, 33/6, 6, 6
shrug: 95/12, 105/8, 8, 8
side laterals: 15/10, 17/10, 10 these were really good form! Seems like it wasn't so long ago I couldn't even DO the 15's!!
BB curls: 45/12, 50/10, 55/8, 7
seated DB curls: 20/10, 24/8, 8<--I did these alternating is that ok?
Got my bottle of Recreate today! Took 1 at 3pm (could that have helped my 4:00 workout?) Anyway started to feel it after 15 minutes, just felt a little buzz and then it evened out. I can definitely feel more energy and alertness.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday, 4/9/08

Time: 4AM
Intervals-elliptical this time, 24 min 12 intervals, 15/45, 181 cals
Bent over row: 45/12, 65/12, 95/8, 110/6, 6, 6
Lat Pulldown WG: 50/12, 75/8, 8, 8
1 arm row: 26/10, 10, 10
Leg curl: 25/12, 35/10, 45, 8, 8
Stiff Leg DB: 44/10, 10, 10
Plugging right along. School is getting busy as the end of the semester approaches! I can't believe how fast time goes!

Tuesday, 4/8/08

Time: 4AM
cardio only today
Step aerobics, 38 min, 206 cals

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, 4/7/08

Time: 4AM
Tried something new for cardio today. Supposed to do intervals so I took my step and did a basic warm up and then did intervals of mountain climbers and/or jumping jacks and skipping rope. Halfway through I started tripping over the rope so I went back to the step and alternated basic stepping for the 45 and polymetric jumps over the step for the 15. Then cool down. Was ok, but the calorie burn wasn't much and it was hard to see the time change.
So totals were 24 min, 147 cals
Time: 4PM
Incline DB Press: 28/12, 37/12, 42/8, 44/6, 6, 6
Mid Bar Press: 85/10, 95/8, 8, 8
Chest dips: 6ish, 2, 1
Rope Press: 30/12, 35/10, 40/8, 8
tricep bar extention: 40/10, 10, 10

DB presses were great, felt strong and had good form. The mid bar press I'm still working on getting these perfect with the 95, a lot better than last week though.
chest dips???? ugh. So I have been doing these in the past with my feet up on a step so sort of assisted. I want to try to start doing them unassisted but for some reason these are just so hard for me! For one thing, I can't get a good forward lean going, is that normal. I feel like I can't go low enough. The first set where I did 6 were kind of half reps so I am now working on only doing perfect reps thats why I only got 2 and 1, but I did a whole bunch of work trying to get those! LOL

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday 4/6/08

Time: 11:30Am
Went to the lake with my hubby and son, and while they fished I ran around the lake :) My heart rate monitor was acting funny so I don't have a good cal count. Anyway, did 40 min, 220 cals burned.
Time: 5:00PM
Channeled that "I'm never gonna be good enough" energy into my workout today! That plus some Distubed and Rage made for a nice little leg workout! My quads are still burning!!!!
Squats: 45/15, 95/12, 115/12, 130/8, 140/6, 6, 6
Leg extention: 50/10, 80/8, 85/8
hack squat: 60/12, 70/10, 10
step ups: 28/10, 10

3/30-4/5 Weekly Summary

Good week but not great results. I really feel that I pushed hard this week and ate clean, resisted cookies and cupcakes that my son insisted on making!
measurements are all the same EXCEPT I must have been measuring my chest in a different spot because today it was up to 36 from 34 3/4. ugh.
Weight is also the SAME -makes me sooooo mad!!!! However I am known to stay the same for a few weeks and then drop off a lot so I'm not freaking too much.
I am so glad I went to the show yesterday. If I could just bottle the motivation I got from sitting in that audience I would be golden! However, it also got me a little down. I feel like I am never going to have enough muscle to be competitive...does everyone feel like that?
Did cardio 5x this week for a total of 1342 cals burned.
Here are the pics. I got brave and I'll start posting them in a posing suit instead of my forgiving bathing suit:

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday, 4/5/08

Time: 5:30AM
Had to do this first thing in the morning cause I went to the show! I had no idea you were so sick Joe!!!! I hope you are feeling better. You must be in TERRIBLE shape to have stayed home!

DB Press: 15/12, 20/12, 24/8, 26/6, 6, 6
BB Shrug: 85/10, 95/8, 8, 8
Side Laterals: 10/10, 15/10, 10
BB curls: 30/12, 40/10, 45/8, 8 <--Yay the "real" bar!
Seated DB curls: 15/10, 20/8, 8

Friday 4/4/08

Time: 4:30 PM
Cardio only
Elliptical 12 intervals 15/45 24 min, 200 cals burned.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday, 4/3/08

Time: 4:00AM
Step Aerobics-41 min, 245 cals

Time: 4:00PM
Bent over row: 45/12, 65/12, 95/8, 105/6, 6, 6
Lat Pulldown, wg over: 50/12, 70/10, 8, 8
1 arm row: 24/10, 10, 10
leg curl: 25/12, 35/10, 40/8, 8
stiff leg DB: 42/10, 10, 10
Feeling really good!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Weds 4/2/08

Time: 4:00AM
Step Aerobics: 43 min, 232 cals

Time: 4:00PM
Incline DB press: 28/12, 33/12, 37/8, 42/6, 6, 6
Mid Bar Press: 85/10, 95/8, 8, 8
Chest Dips: 10, 10, 10
Rope Press: 30/10, 10 35/8, 8
Tricep bar extention: 40/10, 10, 10

Loving these quick workouts! Still not sure about warm up sets, are those first 2 incline presses warm ups or should i be doing more?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesday 4/1/08

Instead of cardio this morning I woke up and made myself a big stack of pancakes smothered with butter and syrup.

Um April fools!

Time: 4:00AM
Elliptical: 12 intervals, 15/45 25 minutes total. 186 cals burned.

That's it for today!