Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, 4/21/08

4:15 Am Cardio
Elliptical-24 min 12 intervals, 15/45 176 cals burned.

Upright rows: 30/12, 40/12, 45/8, 50/6, 55/6, 6
Standing DB Press: 28/10, 33/8, 8, 8
Front raise DB: 15/10, 10, 10
1 arm cable curl: 5/12, 7.5/10, 10/8, 8
preacher curl: 20/10, 40/10, 10

The DB presses were tough, I barely got the last rep on the third set. The front raises I did alternating (super strict form though) is that ok?

OMG the cable curls were so HARD! I am glad I started with my right arm because it is a lot weaker than my left. If I would have started with the left I would have tried to use heavier weight and wouldn't have been able to do it with my right. Also is it ok to load a pulley machine unevenly? I put a 5 pound plate on one side and a 2.5 on the other.

Then when I went to do the preacher curls I used the ez curl bar and 20# was ridiculously light.

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