Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation update!

Had a great vacation down at Cape May Point! Actually still here, getting packed up and ready to leave, found an open wifi connection to post a quick update. (before I get home and have to really get to work on unpacking, laundry, etc aka back to the real world!)
So I kept to the plan pretty much the whole time! Didn't diviate from my eating at ALL, not even any licks of the delicious ice creams the kids had or the any other yummy food here! The only things I changed was I didn't do my intervals on Saturday because I fell in love with this 3 mile run route I found...

So did that Friday, approx 30 min, 220 cals
Saturday approx 30 min, 222 cals
Monday, approx 27 min!, 206 cals got a little faster!

Saturday workout: Quads
They had a leg press machine so I gave it a try:
Leg press: 90/12,12, 180/8, 230/6,6,6, 180/10
Squat: 95/12, 155/8, 8
DB sumo squat: 55/12, 60/10, 10
Walking lunges: 25/10, 10

Monday workout: Chest and Triceps
Flat DB press: 30/12, 12, 35/8, 40/6, 45/6,6, 40/12
Didn't like the incline benches there at all so I tried the Hammer Smith Press
HS Press: 70/10, 120/8, 8, 8 (this was just the plates added)
Incline flys: 30/10, 10, 10
Tricep press: 60/10, 10, 80/8, 8 Holy moly what a differnce from my pully machine!
Tricep dips: 25/10, 45/10, 50/10 (doing these as bench dips with plates on my legs)

Thats it for vacation workouts! Will post a update with pics, weight, measurements when I get home!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday, 6/26/08

Elliptical-15 intervals 15/45, 27 min, 155 AHR, 90 cals

Side Laterals: 10/12, 12, 15/8, 20/6,6,6, 15/12
Push Press: 65/10, 75/8, 80/8,8
Front raise: 30/10,10,10
Incline DB Curl: 15/12, 17/10, 20/8,8
Cable curl: 20/10, 25/10,10

Love doing those push presses! I feel like that little smiley guy (from the message boards) when I do them LOL.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, 6/25/08

Step Aerobics, 45 min, 125AHR, 198 cals

11:30AM-Back and Hams
lat pulldown palms in: 50/12, 12, 70/8, 90/6,6,6, 80/10
Deads: 120/10, 150/8, 160/8, 8
Tbar row: 60/10, 10,10
Leg curl: 30/12, 40/10, 50/8,8
cable pull through: 40/10, 50/10, 10

Good workout today, no interruptions, except my boy deadlifted 45 pounds! He always wants to workout with me and I get him to do bodyweight stuff. But today he kept begging me so before I loaded up the bar to do my DL's I was like "go ahead and pick that up!" I didn't think he would be able to but he picked it right up like it was nothing! I can't wait until the day we compete in the same show LOL!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday, 6/24/08

8AM-Intervals and abs
Elliptical-15@15/45, 27 min, 155AHR, 190 cals
8 sets of abs

2:00PM-Chest and triceps
flat DB press: 33/12, 12, 37/8, 47/6,6,6, 42/12
Midbar press: 75/10, 85/8, 90/8,8
Incline fly: 33/10, 10,10
tricep press: 30/10,10, 40/8,8
tricep dips: 10, 10,10

Zap note: had to stop for about 10 minutes in the middle of my workout to help my son in the bathroom and let me tell you I felt like I was going to climb out of my skin! Very uncomfortable!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, 6/23/08

Elliptical-40 min 149AHR, 253 cals

DB squat (close stance): 42/12,12, 44/8, 47/6, 50/6, 6, 44/12
BB Squat: 95/12, 145/8, 8
sumo squat: 44/12, 50/10, 10
walking lunge: 24/10, 10

Felt like a wimp doing my walking lunges with 24# after watching the video of Steph Miller and her 80# bells!!!!!!!

Good workout though, realize I like lifting when it is hot out, just feels good to me. Cardio on the other hand I have to do early in the am so it is cooler, gonna suck if/when I have to start doing am/pm cardios.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday, 6/22/08-weekly recap

I've arranged my schedule to make Sundays off days. So I'll just make Sunday my recap day and work on posing and maybe abs. :)

This was a pretty good week!
Weight: 125.2 = down 1.6 pounds!
Waist: 26 = -.75 inches
hips: 35 = -.75 inches
all other measurements the same.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, 6/20/08 and Saturday, 6/21/08

6:30AM-Elliptical, 40min, 140 AHR, 239 cals
8 sets of abs

7AM-Hill sprints
15 intervals 15/45, 5 min warm/cool, 27 min total, 154 AHR, 189 cals

Upright rows: 45/12, 12, 55/10, 60/6, 6,6 50/12
Standing DB press: 28/10, 35/8, 8, 8
front raise db: 24/10, 10, 9
1 arm cable curl: 7.5/12, 10/10, 12.5/8, 8
preacher curl: 40/12, 12, 12

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday, 6/19/08

Hill sprints-5min warm/cool, 15x 15 sec sprint uphill, 45 sec jog/walk down
This felt AWESOME and will definitely try to do this at least once a week!
27 min total, 188 cals burned

flat BB press: 65/12, 12, 75/8, 90/6, 6, 6, 75/12
IN DB press palms in: 37/10, 42/8, 8, 8
uneven pushups: 10/10/10
1 arm db press: 15/10, 10, 17/8, 8
tricep pressdown palms up: 30/10, 35/10, 10

this was a really good workout too, really felt a pump in chest and tris. 100% focus on form and intensity instead of that is the way to do it! Love it!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday, 6/18/08

Today is the last day of elementary school for my baby girl! WAAAAAA!

Elliptical, 30 min, 142AHR, 200 cals

Leg ext: 50/12, 12, 75/10, 115/8, 8, 8, 85/10
Front squat: 95/10, 125/8, 8
DB Squat: 44/12, 50/10, 10
Bar step lunge: 70/10, 10

Felt shakey on the last set of front squats, definitely not strong. Wondering what I should be expecting each week, I've been going up in weight every workout but it seems to be getting harder and harder. Should I keep trying to increase the weight and not make the reps or keep the same weight to get the reps. I think I asked this before LOL!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday, 6/17/08

Early check in today!

Elliptical, 15 intervals, 26 min, 154 AHR, 191 cals
abs-8 sets

Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, 6/16/08

step aerobic, 42 min, 129 AHR, 212 cals

Upright rows: 45/12, 12, 55/10, 60/8, 8, 65/6
standing DB press: 28/10, 35/8, 8, 8
alt DB front raise: 19/10, 24/10, 10
1 arm cable curl: 7.5/12, 10/10, 12.5/8, 8
preacher curls: 40/10, 10, 10

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday, 6/14/08 & Sunday, 6/15/08

Bike ride: 53 min, 125 AHR, 263 cals

Flat press: 95/12, 12, 105/8, 115/6, 6, 6, 105/10
Incline DB press Palms in: 37.5/10, 42.5/8, 8, 8
Uneven pushups: 10, 10, 10
1-arm DB ext: 12.5/10, 10, 17.5/8, 8
Tri press palms up: 30/10, 40/10, 10

Lat pulldown: 40/12, 50/12, 70/8, 80/6, 90/6, 6, 70/12
Seated row: 80/10, 90/10,10,8
Rope Pulldown: 40/10, 60/10, 10
SLDL: 75/12, 115/10, 165/8, 8
single leg curls: 20/10, 30/10, 10

These were the workouts I did at my Dad's house this weekend.
The flat press was on a Paramount home gym thing, not a oly bar like I usually do. Felt so good sticking with my workouts and eating ONLY the meals that I packed and brought with me!

Extra stuff I did was another bike ride on Sunday morning after the workout and swimming in the bay all day on Saturday (Dad lives near Long Beach Island)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday 6/13/08 and quick pic update

6:30AM-cardio only
Elliptical 40 min, 140AHR, 274 cals

Weight: 126.8

Going to my dads tonight, so I don't know if I'll be able to update until Sunday. Have a Happy Father's Day if I don't get online before then!!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday, 6/12/08

Did my crazy plyo intervals today, however didn't push as hard as last time because I did them out in the garage with my Firm step instead of the Reebok step I keep in the house and that wasn't a smart move. On some of my intervals I would knock the top step off the bottom and fall on my face! So I had to be careful and couldn't really push like I like to but it's still fun and next time I'll use the reebok step. LOL
26 min, 139 AHR, 161 cals

Leg extention: 50/12, 12, 75/8, 115/6, 6, 6, 80/12
front squats: 95/10, 125/8, 8 WOW didn't think I was going to get the second set to 8 but I did it!!! Could really feel the Zap helping me focus on it, I wanted to quit after 6 but made it the last two!!!!
DB squat: 44/12, 50/10, 10
bar step lunge: 60/10, 10, 10
8 sets of abs

So I cut back on the salt I've been using and Bam dropped 4 freaking pounds this morning. I know better than to get excited, could go up tomorrow just the way it shoots up sometimes for no reason. But I'm feeling lean! It is great except I'm bruising a lot now!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, 6/11/08

Step aerobics, 42 min, 124 AHR, 195 cals

Upright rows: 45/12, 12, 50/8, 60/6, 6, 6, 50/12
Standing DB press: 28/10, 33/8, 8, 8
front DB raise: 19/10, 10, 10
1 arm cable curl: 5/12, 7.5/10, 10/8, 8
preacher curl(ezbar): 40/10, 10, 10

Doesn't look like much but this was a great workout for me. The last time I did this I really struggled with the cable curls and upright rows and this time felt REALLY strong on them!!

My weight is still up, I'm really not stressing about it, but sometimes it scares me that I'm not "losing a pound a week" anymore. I'm going to my Dads on Friday night and don't know if I'll be able to check in so I'll post up pics and summary on Friday morning. My dad has a set up in his garage too (he's the one I learned from!) so I'll be getting my workouts in while I'm there :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, 6/10/08

6:00AM-Intervals and abs
Elliptical, 27 min, 15 intervals, 154 AHR, 201 cals

Tried Zap with cardio today. It was good, sweat a lot and noticed that my heart rate didn't fall as fast as it usally does when I was doing my cool down.

Monday, 6/9/08

Step aerobics, 45 min, 125 AHR, 211 cals

6PM- back/Hams
Lat pulldown: 50/12 12, 70/8, 80/6,6,6 70/10
Seated row: 70/10, 90/8,8,8
Rope pulldown: 50/10, 10, 10
SLDL: 95/12, 115/10, 140/8, 8
leg curls: 50/10, 10, 10

eh so/so workout expected more, but felt like I gave it all I had.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday, 6/8/08

Barely beat the heat for an outdoor run...45 min, 140 AHR, 263 cals :)

5PM-chest and triceps
Holy swimming in sweat batman! Zap + 100 degree garage = YIKES!! Felt good though oddly enough.

Flat BB Press: 75/12, 12, 95/8, 105/6,6,6, 85/12
Incline DB palms in: 37/10, 42/8, 8, 8 Love the way this feels
uneven push ups(each arm): 10T/10T/10K T-toes, K-knees
1 arm DB Tricep extention: 10/10, 10, 15/8, 17/8
tricep pressdown palms up: 30/10, 10, 10

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday, 6/7/08

Outdoor run: 27 min, 15 intervals, 154 AHR, 202 Cals

Leg Extentions: 50/12, 12, 75/8, 110/6, 6, 6, 75/12
Front squats: 95/10, 120/8, 8
DB Squat: 44/12, 47/10, 10
Bar Step Lunge: 60/10, 10

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday, 6/5/08

6:30AM Cardio and abs
Elliptical-15 intervals, 27 min, 153AHR, 200 cals

4:00PM-Delts and Biceps
DB press: 24/12, 12, 28/8, 35/6, 6,6
shrugs: 115/10, 145/8, 8, 8
lateral raises: 24/10, 9, 8
BB curls: 45/12, 50/10, 60/8, 7
seated DB curls: 24/10, 10, 10

Woke up last night with a terrible cramp in my calf...OUCH! Then it twitched all day.
It was so muggy and I did not want to do my workout at all, but it turned out OK. I was determined to get those 8 reps with 60# on the BB curls and I did for one set but couldn't get them all on the second.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday, 6/4/08

SS on the elliptical this morning, 40 min, 141 AHR, 252 cals burned

4PM-Back and Hams
Bent over BB row: 65/12, 85/12, 100/8, 120/6, 6,6
Lat pulldown: 60/10, 80/8, 8, 8
1 arm row: 37/10, 10, 10
Lying leg curl: 45/12, 50/10, 55/8, 60/8
SLDL DB: 50/10, 10, 10
Afterwards I grabbed my daughter and we went for a mile walk around the neighborhood.

Took 4 Zap about 45 min preworkout and 1 scoop Vaso 15 min...boy this is a great combo.
I am definetly feeling it in a really good way. This may be the Zap talking but I feel like I have hit the "runners high" I am sitting here competely sore from head to toe and it feels wonderful. Oh and while my body feels totally wore out, I don't feel like I am going to crash on the couch for the rest of the night either. :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

6:00am -Interval cardio
tried my crazy plyo-step cardio again today and liked it a lot more. Did 5 min warmup/cooldown by running in place and jumping rope, then did 15 sec blasts of:
Squat jumps
Step lunges
Jump knee ups
box jump squats
mountain climbers
up and overs
3 count lunge jumps

totals were 26 min, 141AHR, 182 cals burned.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday, 6/2/08

Step aerobics, 37 min, 125 AHR, 176 cals burned.

Incline DB press: 28/12 37/12, 42/8. 44/6, 47/6, 6
Midbar press: 85/10, 95/8, 8, 8
chest dips: 8, 8, 8
rope pressdown: 30/10, 35/10, 40/8, 8
tri bar extention: 40/10, 10, 10

took the 4 zap today and really felt the energy and focus. Went up on the db presses and they were relativly easy considering last time the 44's were pretty hard, but couldn't go up on the bar press.
Still rocking the dips, nice form and slow!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday, 6/1/08


BB Squat: 115/12, 12, 135/8, 155/6, 165/6, 6
Leg Ext: 75/10, 105/8, 8
Close stance DB Squat: 44/12, 50/10, 10
Step ups: 33/10, 10
calf raises: 4x40

Hubby rigged powerblocks so I can start adding more weight!!!