Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation update!

Had a great vacation down at Cape May Point! Actually still here, getting packed up and ready to leave, found an open wifi connection to post a quick update. (before I get home and have to really get to work on unpacking, laundry, etc aka back to the real world!)
So I kept to the plan pretty much the whole time! Didn't diviate from my eating at ALL, not even any licks of the delicious ice creams the kids had or the any other yummy food here! The only things I changed was I didn't do my intervals on Saturday because I fell in love with this 3 mile run route I found...

So did that Friday, approx 30 min, 220 cals
Saturday approx 30 min, 222 cals
Monday, approx 27 min!, 206 cals got a little faster!

Saturday workout: Quads
They had a leg press machine so I gave it a try:
Leg press: 90/12,12, 180/8, 230/6,6,6, 180/10
Squat: 95/12, 155/8, 8
DB sumo squat: 55/12, 60/10, 10
Walking lunges: 25/10, 10

Monday workout: Chest and Triceps
Flat DB press: 30/12, 12, 35/8, 40/6, 45/6,6, 40/12
Didn't like the incline benches there at all so I tried the Hammer Smith Press
HS Press: 70/10, 120/8, 8, 8 (this was just the plates added)
Incline flys: 30/10, 10, 10
Tricep press: 60/10, 10, 80/8, 8 Holy moly what a differnce from my pully machine!
Tricep dips: 25/10, 45/10, 50/10 (doing these as bench dips with plates on my legs)

Thats it for vacation workouts! Will post a update with pics, weight, measurements when I get home!

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