Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Time: 9:00PM! YIKES!
I "almost" skipped it. I also thought it was going to be really sucky but it ended up being pretty good. I ran out of steam with the push presses though but really blasted my back.

Shoulder grip palms up pulldowns: 2 warm ups, 6/90 x 4, 5/100
Tbar row: 2 warm ups, 10/50 x 3, 8/55
DB deadlifts: 12/44.6 x 3
Push press: warm up, 10/70, 10/70 couldn't do any more of these!
lateral raises: 6/5, 6/8, 12/10, 6/8, 6/5

5AM cardio-step tape 35 minutes.

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