Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, 8/25/08

What a difference a day makes. I feel GREAT today. Yesterday I lounged around and did nothing but eat and nap. It was actually pretty gross, but I did drink almost 2 gallons of water so I think that helped. Today I am actually CRAVING my good clean food so I'm right back on my plan. I wasn't sure what to do about diet, so I went back to the original plan of 150g pro, 120g or 80g carb depending on training and 35g fat. Is this where I should be?

I also got up this morning and ran 3 miles. I forgot that I entered a 5k on the 31st! So I'll probably run a few times this week. It didn't feel to bad at all, but I was a little slow. 31:30. Tomorrow I hit my gym again! YAY! I can't wait!!

Oh and guess what!? My husband was so proud of me that he wants to fix up my gym a little bit! Just basically clean it out more and repaint but it means so much to me!!! I am excited.

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