Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, 5/16/08

6:30am Cardio/Abs
Elliptical: 15 intervals, 26 min, 210 cals burned.
Since school is out I am sleeping a little later! Feels so good!

Now for some ranting, I apologize up front LOL!
Ok, two things, #1 the damn scale and #2 the damn scale!
So I read all these message boards with competitors getting ready for comps, and everyone my size is around 100 pounds. Am I really going to lose 30 pounds by August? Is that what I should be aiming for? It just seems so impossible.

On to #2 I'm the first to admit, that when I cheat I gain and get stuck, but I have been so perfect this week and I am up 2 pounds! Is that normal? In the past this has happened to me and I tend to give up and get sloppy with my diet (more eyeballing instead of weighing and not tracking-figuring what the heck for) but this time I am even more determined to stick with it and keep up with my anal habits of tracking every calorie and weighing every tiny bite of food I eat.
In the end I know that I trust you and that if I follow the plan (which I plan to 100%-I am so determined) I will be fine. But I guess I just had to get these two things off my chest.
Oh and the only thing I've changed this week is that I didn't reorder Recreate because I read that you should only take it for the most 12 weeks so I wanted to wait until I really need it to start back up, but I don't think that should have caused me to gain 2 pounds!

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