Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday, 7/11/08

6:30AM Cardio only today!
Outside run: 40 min, 145AHR, 259 cals burned

TGIF! Cannot wait until Monday though because the last three weeks have been pretty crazy. First we went on vacation, then had Jim's parents here for the rest of the week and then Jim gave his notice at work on Monday because he got a new job and the old job told him to just leave! So he's been home an extra week. Luckily the new job said he can start a week early...whew.
I'm still stressing a little because the new job pays biweekly and we have been used to weekly. It's going to be about 3 weeks before we get a paycheck plus missing a week :( No new suit for me. Going to have to use that reddish one I take my pics in. Sorry for the rant, just had to get that out!

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