Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday, 7/31/08

6:00am-cardio and abs
Elliptical: 19 intervals 15/45, 30 min total, 153AHR, 206 cals burned
abs:15 sets

Leg ext: 50/12,12, 75/10, 115/6,6,6 80/14
Front squat: 95/10, 115/8,8
DB Squat: 47/12, 53/10,10
Bar step lunge: 60/10,10

couple of questions today :)
1. my shoulders are sore from my workout yesterday and I noticed when I was doing my posing practice it really hurts when I do the lat spread, is that ok/normal?

2. Will I keep doing my normal rotation of workouts until the last week(before peak week)? I want to make up my August calendar.

3. I've been reading that some people stop running becasue it's not good for quads, what do you think? I've been running 3 days a week now. Also, on my steady state cardio days where I go for 45 minutes, my average heart rate is around 150-155, is that OK?

4. Some people say lots happen the last 2-3 weeks, but I didn't find that to happen last time for me, do you think this time will be different? (yeah, I'm starting to get into that freakout mode where I don't think I'm going to be ready!) Last year, at this time I was on a lot less carbs/fat and calories and your way seems to be working a whole lot better so far.

Thanks Joe!!

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