Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday, 7/2/08

Run, 38 min, 145 AHR, 238 cals

3PM-Delts and Biceps
lateral Raise: 10/12,12, 15/8, 20/6,6,6, 15/12
Push Press: 65/10, 85/8,8,6
Front raise: 30/10,10,10
Incline DB curl: 15/12, 17/10, 20/8,8
Cable curl: 25/10,10,10

So I thought that this was a sucky workout but except for feeling weaker on the push press, I actually felt stronger on all the others. I modified my short bar for the cable curls which helped tremendously...I added these collers that my husband originally made to hold oly plates on a standard bar to the handles so that they rotate when I curl up. Does that make a difference?

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