Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday, 7/13/08 Weekly Recap

Not so happy with progress this week, I think I actually look leaner in last weeks pics. I just wish it was consistant! Oh well!

Weight: 124.6 only down .2

Arm 10.5" (down.5)
Chest 34" (up an inch?)
Waist 26.5" (up .5, but I also measure my "belly" at the navel and that is down an inch so I was REALLY happy about that)
Hips 34.75" (down .25)
Thigh 18" (down .5)
Calf 14.25" (up .25)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robin, the pictures are different because last week you got more of the entire body in them. This week you cut them off at the knee; so the perspective is off for a fair comparison. Also, the tint and flash seem to be a little different. Best pics for fair comparison are outside in the sun, no flash IMHOP. I keep telling Joe F. how I'm impressed with your progress and how I'm rooting for you. Your v-taper and your legs are going to set you apart. 5 1/2 more weeks...keep pushing it--you are doing great!